Attorney’s and their staff may schedule a standard training in which the AV team will provide the requestor with a tour of the courtroom as well as a demonstration.
Trainings can be scheduled here: Login and Register
Note: Mobile devices are not ideal devices as they do not sustain a strong enough connection to facilitate the meeting on their end.
Below is are the locations and contact information for both Orange and Osceola Court Reporting.
Please contact the designated office regarding your request,
Orange County
Location: Orange County Courthouse
Office: Bldg A-102
Phone: 407.836.2270
Quick links: Transcript/CD Request Form
Osceola County
Location: Jon B. Morgan Osceola County Courthouse
Office: 1500
Phone: 407.742.2482
Quick links: Transcript/CD Request Form
All courtrooms are design to mimic each other. Each courtroom except for the 23rd floor courtroom are fitted with 100 inch projector screen plus a wireless presentation system capable of connecting to various devices.
For more on courtroom available equipment, please visit: About Us
No, the AV staff does not have links pertaining to the Judges personal virtual meeting. Please follow up with the presiding judges judicial assistant in attaining meeting links for virtual appearances.
If a participant is unable to join a meeting link here are few things to check:
- Check the listening and audio devices for the device.
- Double check and ensure the device has a strong internet or wifi connection.
- Confirm with the judicial assistant the meeting link is valid.
Attorney’s may meet in at the designated courtroom their original hearing is set to take place.
We shall do our best to try and accommodate if an appointment is created, however we cannot guarantee you a spot. It is all based on availability
Yes, all of our courtrooms except for the 23rd floor courtroom are designed to mimic each other.
There is no checkout requirements for using the AV equipment in the courtroom. All available equipment is ready for use in each courtroom.