Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 4:00 pm    |    Saturday - CLOSED    |    Sunday - CLOSED

Evidence Presentation System Instructions For Macbook

(Point-To-Point Connection Only, No Internet Access)

Connection to Evidence Presentation System

  1. If the projector is not on, locate the white NEC remote and power on the projector.
  2.  If the source is not set to HDMI 1, press the source button until HDMI 1 is selected.
  3. Go to network settings and connect to the courtroom.
    a. Courtroom = CR plus courtroom number (e.g., Courtroom 7A = CR-7A)
    b. Password = courtroom plus courtroom number (e.g., Courtroom 7A = courtroom7a)
  4. Go to System Preferences and select display.
  5. From Airplay Display, select the courtroom.
  6. Type in evidence presentation code, which will pop up in the top center of the screen, and can
    subsequently be found at the top left-hand side of projection screen (four-digit code), then click
    okay. Your device will be displayed onto the evidence presentation screen.

Annotation Feature on Witness Monitor (Touch Screen)

1. Touch the three dots on the right-hand side of monitor screen.
2. Select the annotation icon .
3. Select a color under annotator.
4. Use your finger to annotate on the touchscreen.
5. To undo/redo annotation, use arrows on the screen under the Edit heading. Additionally, it allows you to view prior annotation(s) (i.e., layering).
Note: If you use your finger in one continuous drawing without lifting finger off screen, this will act as
one stroke and you cannot delete one line at a time, but if you make a diagram and lift your finger while
drawing this, it will allow you to delete one stroke at a time.
6. To close annotation, click the back arrow in the lower left hand side of the screen, then select
clear all and end.
Disconnect from Evidence Presentation

1. Go to System Preferences and select Display.
2. Toggle Airplay Display to Off.
3. If the projector is no longer needed for use for the rest of the day, use the white NEC remote to
press the standby button twice. This will put Cynap into standby mode and turn the projector
off. Otherwise, the judge will manage the on/off status of the projector.

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